Overview of show, held in Cary Memorial Hall, Lexington. |
The Rising Star Guild, based in Lexington, mounted its annual show October 27 and 28. This guild is a sort of "sister" to Quilters' Connection, the guild to which I belong, so I like to show my support by attending the show. It's not much of an imposition, as the quilts are varied and delightful. The few shown below just happened to appeal to me personally; all the quilts are heartfelt creations.
Entrance to show floor. |
California Cappuccino, Diana Bailey. |
Effective quilts can be made from relatively straight-forward patterns and a narrow range of colors...
Blue & Tan for Dan, Evelyn Rossin. |
Detail, Tropical Rain, Beth Valliere. |
...and with more complex patterns executed in polychrome palettes.
Sometimes a traditional pattern receives a new interpretation...
Variation on Goose Tracks, Susan Dresley. |
...and sometimes a pattern morphs altogether into something quite modern and new.
Detail, A Dash of Brown and Aqua, Christina Crouch. |
Representational quilts were in evidence, portraying subjects from Dostoevsky...
Multi-faceted Dostoevsky, Susan Bennett. |
...to dogs.
Roberta Jeanne, Jeanne Funk-Gedies. |
While many quilts were made totally by machine, several featured exemplary handwork.
Detail, The Secret Garden: Spring, Atara Halpern. |
Detail, Maine, the Way Life Should Be!, Deborah Cerundolo. |
Some of our quilting tools are shown in the quilt below.
2nd Cousins, Kendra J. Dowd. |
A special feature of this show was an impressive exhibit by the junior quilters, ranging in age from 8 to 13. In addition, my admission fee included a traditional show booklet, with the quilters' brief descriptions of their quilts, in their own words, as we say. My guild decided to save money by not having a booklet at its most recent show; this decision felt like a "silencing" of our voices, and I hope the guild will reconsider in the future.
Detail, Take One Down, Pass It Around, Erin Scott. |
Finally, in this play-off season, I have to include a detail from a wonderful quilt which includes a nod to our home team. Go Sox!