DH and young performer in cheetah puppet meet and greet.
On October 3, our neighborhood of Newton held its annual Village Day. Activities included a dance performance by young members of a local dance studio, temporary tattoos for children, vendors selling everything from pet treats to jewelry, information tables for local conservation groups, and an excellent high school jazz band. Yours truly helped curate the Little Free Library stall. Since it's an election year here in Newton, politicians canvassed, but set partisanship aside long enough to dedicate a memorial plaque to a late, beloved local councilor too.
The stars of the show, though, were the volunteers wearing the puppet costumes borrowed from a puppet library in Boston. Of course I may be biased as my husband is inside the frog get-up in the image below; in the background is the oldest surviving wooden mill building in Newton, recently beautifully restored.
Tall amphibian meets young human.
Local knitter Katie B. yarn-bombed parking meters.
Wearable puppet with a surprisingly affecting face.